Revision 1253 (by jianting, 05/14/06 16:05:31) |
<?php $GLOBALS['sugarEntry'] = true; /********************************************************************************* * The contents of this file are subject to the SugarCRM Public License Version * 1.1.3 ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * All copies of the Covered Code must include on each user interface screen: * (i) the "Powered by SugarCRM" logo and * (ii) the SugarCRM copyright notice * in the same form as they appear in the distribution. See full license for * requirements. * * The Original Code is: SugarCRM Open Source * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is SugarCRM, Inc. * Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) 2004-2006 SugarCRM, Inc.; * All Rights Reserved. * Contributor(s): ______________________________________. ********************************************************************************/ require_once ('config.php'); // provides $sugar_config if(is_file('config_override.php')) { require_once ('config_override.php'); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// REDIRECT CONDITIONS TO INSTALL.PHP if(!is_file('config.php')) { header('Location: install.php'); exit (); } elseif(empty($sugar_config['dbconfig']['db_host_name'])) { header('Location: install.php'); exit (); } //// end REDIRECT CONDITIONS TO INSTALL.PHP /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// require_once ('sugar_version.php'); // provides $sugar_version, $sugar_db_version, $sugar_flavor require_once ('include/utils.php'); require_once ('include/database/PearDatabase.php'); require_once ('include/database/DBManager.php'); require_once ('include/database/DBManagerFactory.php'); require_once ('include/javascript/jsAlerts.php'); require_once ('include/TimeDate.php'); require_once ('include/modules.php'); // provides $moduleList, $beanList, $beanFiles, $modInvisList, $adminOnlyList, $modInvisListActivities require_once ('log4php/LoggerManager.php'); require_once ('modules/ACL/ACLController.php'); require_once ('modules/Administration/Administration.php'); include_once ('modules/Administration/updater_utils.php'); require_once ('modules/Users/User.php'); // load up the config_override.php file. This is used to provide default user settings // OFFLINE CLIENT if(isset($sugar_config['disc_client']) && $sugar_config['disc_client']) { require_once ('modules/Sync/SyncController.php'); $current_user->is_admin = 'off'; //No admins for disc client } global $currentModule; global $moduleList; global $system_config; if($sugar_config['calculate_response_time']) { $startTime = microtime(); } // debug data clean_special_arguments(); clean_incoming_data(); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// SETTING DEFAULT VAR VALUES // Track the number of SQL queiries $sql_queries = 0; $GLOBALS['log'] = LoggerManager :: getLogger('SugarCRM'); $error_notice = ''; $use_current_user_login = false; // Allow for the session information to be passed via the URL for printing. if(isset($_REQUEST['PHPSESSID'])) { session_id($_REQUEST['PHPSESSID']); } if(!empty($sugar_config['session_dir'])) { session_save_path($sugar_config['session_dir']); } $db = & PearDatabase :: getInstance(); $dbmann = DBManager :: getInstance(); $timedate = new TimeDate(); // Emails uses the REQUEST_URI later to construct dynamic URLs. // IIS does not pass this field to prevent an error, if it is not set, we will assign it to ''. if (!isset ($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) { $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = ''; } //// END SETTING DEFAULT VAR VALUES /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// REDIRECTION VARS if(!empty($_REQUEST['cancel_redirect'])) { if(!empty($_REQUEST['return_action'])) { $_REQUEST['action'] = $_REQUEST['return_action']; $_POST['action'] = $_REQUEST['return_action']; $_GET['action'] = $_REQUEST['return_action']; } if(!empty($_REQUEST['return_module'])) { $_REQUEST['module'] = $_REQUEST['return_module']; $_POST['module'] = $_REQUEST['return_module']; $_GET['module'] = $_REQUEST['return_module']; } if(!empty($_REQUEST['return_id'])) { $_REQUEST['id'] = $_REQUEST['return_id']; $_POST['id'] = $_REQUEST['return_id']; $_GET['id'] = $_REQUEST['return_id']; } } if(isset($_REQUEST['action'])) { $action = $_REQUEST['action']; } else { $action = ""; } if(isset($_REQUEST['module'])) { $module = $_REQUEST['module']; } else { $module = ""; } if(isset($_REQUEST['record'])) { $record = $_REQUEST['record']; } else { $record = ""; } //// REDIRECTION VARS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// USER LOGIN AUTHENTICATION //FIRST PLACE YOU CAN INSTANTIATE A SUGARBEAN; // for Disconnected Client if(isset($_REQUEST['MSID'])) { session_id($_REQUEST['MSID']); session_start(); if(isset($_SESSION['user_id']) && isset($_SESSION['seamless_login'])) { unset ($_SESSION['seamless_login']); global $current_user; $current_user = new User(); $current_user->retrieve($_SESSION['user_id']); $current_user->authenticated = true; $use_current_user_login = true; require_once ('modules/Users/Authenticate.php'); } } else { session_start(); } $user_unique_key = (isset($_SESSION['unique_key'])) ? $_SESSION['unique_key'] : ''; $server_unique_key = (isset($sugar_config['unique_key'])) ? $sugar_config['unique_key'] : ''; $allowed_actions = array('Authenticate', 'Login'); // these are actions where the user/server keys aren't compared // to preserve a timed-out user's click choice if(($user_unique_key != $server_unique_key) && (!in_array($action, $allowed_actions)) && (!isset($_SESSION['login_error']))) { session_destroy(); $post_login_nav = ''; //changed by dingjianting for adding new login page if (!empty($record) && !empty($action) && !empty($module)) { //$post_login_nav="&login_module=".$module."&login_action=".$action."&login_record=".$record; $post_login_nav="login_module=".$module."&login_action=".$action."&login_record=".$record; } //header("Location: index.php?action=Login&module=Users".$post_login_nav); header("Location: login.php?".$post_login_nav); exit(); } $system_config = new Administration(); $system_config->retrieveSettings('system'); if(isset($_REQUEST['PHPSESSID'])) $GLOBALS['log']->debug("****Starting Application for session ".$_REQUEST['PHPSESSID']); else $GLOBALS['log']->debug("****Starting Application for new session"); // We use the REQUEST_URI later to construct dynamic URLs. IIS does not pass this field // to prevent an error, if it is not set, we will assign it to '' if(!isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) { $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = ''; } // Check to see ifthere is an authenticated user in the session. if(isset($_SESSION['authenticated_user_id'])) { $GLOBALS['log']->debug('We have an authenticated user id: '.$_SESSION['authenticated_user_id']); /** * CN: Bug 4128: some users are getting redirected to * action=Login&module=Users, even after they have been auth'd * Setting it manually here */ if(isset($_REQUEST['action']) && isset($_REQUEST['module'])) { if($_REQUEST['action'] == 'Login' && $_REQUEST['module'] == 'Users') { $_REQUEST['action'] = 'index'; $_REQUEST['module'] = 'Home'; $action = 'index'; $module = 'Home'; } } } elseif(isset($action) && isset($module) && ($action == 'Authenticate') && $module == 'Users') { $GLOBALS['log']->debug('We are authenticating user now'); } else { $GLOBALS['log']->debug('The current user does not have a session. Going to the login page'); $action = 'Login'; $module = 'Users'; $_REQUEST['action'] = $action; $_REQUEST['module'] = $module; } // grab client ip address $clientIP = query_client_ip(); $classCheck = 0; // check to see if config entry is present, if not, verify client ip if(!isset($sugar_config['verify_client_ip']) || $sugar_config['verify_client_ip'] == true) { // check to see ifwe've got a current ip address in $_SESSION // and check to see ifthe session has been hijacked by a foreign ip if(isset($_SESSION['ipaddress'])) { $session_parts = explode('.', $_SESSION['ipaddress']); $client_parts = explode('.', $clientIP); // match class C IP addresses for($i = 0; $i < 3; $i ++) { if($session_parts[$i] == $client_parts[$i]) { $classCheck = 1; continue; } else { $classCheck = 0; break; } } // we have a different IP address if($_SESSION['ipaddress'] != $clientIP && empty($classCheck)) { $GLOBALS['log']->fatal('IP Address mismatch: SESSION IP: '.$_SESSION['ipaddress'].' CLIENT IP: '.$clientIP); session_destroy(); die('Your session was terminated due to a significant change in your IP address. <a href=\''.$sugar_config['site_url'].'\'>Return to Home</a>'); } } else { $_SESSION['ipaddress'] = $clientIP; } } if(!$use_current_user_login) { // disconnected client's flag $current_user = new User(); if(isset($_SESSION['authenticated_user_id'])) { // set in modules/Users/Authenticate.php $result = $current_user->retrieve($_SESSION['authenticated_user_id']); if($result == null) { // if the object we get back is null for some reason, this will break - like user prefs are corrupted $GLOBALS['log']->fatal('User retrieval for ID: ('.$_SESSION['authenticated_user_id'].') does not exist in database or retrieval failed catastrophically. Calling session_destroy() and sending user to Login page.'); session_destroy(); header('Location: login.php'); } $GLOBALS['log']->debug('Current user is: '.$current_user->user_name); } } //// END USER LOGIN AUTHENTICATION /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// USER TIMEZONE SETTING // ut=0 => upgrade script set users's timezone if(isset($_SESSION['authenticated_user_id']) && !empty($_SESSION['authenticated_user_id'])) { $ut = $current_user->getPreference('ut'); if(empty($ut) && isset($_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['action'] != 'SaveTimezone') { $module = 'Users'; $action = 'SetTimezone'; $record = $current_user->id; } } //// END USER TIMEZONE SETTING /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $GLOBALS['log']->debug($_REQUEST); $skipHeaders = false; $skipFooters = false; // Set the current module to be the module that was passed in if(!empty($module)) { $currentModule = $module; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// RENDER PAGE REQUEST BASED ON $module - $action - (and/or) $record // if we have an action and a module, set that action as the current. if(!empty($action) && !empty($module)) { $GLOBALS['log']->info('In module: '.$module.' -- About to take action '.$action); $GLOBALS['log']->debug('in module '.$module.' -- in '.$action); $GLOBALS['log']->debug('----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'); if(ereg('^Save', $action) || ereg('^Delete', $action) || ereg('^Popup', $action) || ereg('^ChangePassword', $action) || ereg('^Authenticate', $action) || ereg('^Logout', $action) || ereg('^Export', $action) || ereg('^backup', $action)) { $skipHeaders = true; if(ereg('^Popup', $action) || ereg('^ChangePassword', $action) || ereg('^Export', $action) || ereg('^backup', $action)) $skipFooters = true; } if((isset($_REQUEST['sugar_body_only']) && $_REQUEST['sugar_body_only'])) { $skipHeaders = true; $skipFooters = true; } if((isset($_REQUEST['from']) && $_REQUEST['from'] == 'ImportVCard') || !empty($_REQUEST['to_pdf']) || !empty($_REQUEST['to_csv'])) { $skipHeaders = true; $skipFooters = true; } if($action == 'BusinessCard' || $action == 'ConvertLead' || $action == 'Save') { header('Expires: Mon, 20 Dec 1998 01:00:00 GMT'); header('Last-Modified: '.gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s').' GMT'); header('Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate'); header('Pragma: no-cache'); } if($action == 'Import' && isset($_REQUEST['step']) && $_REQUEST['step'] == '4') { $skipHeaders = true; $skipFooters = true; } if($action == 'Save2') { $currentModuleFile = 'include/generic/Save2.php'; } elseif($action == 'SubPanelViewer') { $currentModuleFile = 'include/SubPanel/SubPanelViewer.php'; } elseif($action == 'DeleteRelationship') { $currentModuleFile = 'include/generic/DeleteRelationship.php'; } elseif($action == 'Login' && isset($_SESSION['authenticated_user_id'])) { header('Location: index.php?action=Logout&module=Users'); } else { $currentModuleFile = 'modules/'.$module.'/'.$action.'.php'; } } elseif(!empty($module)) { // ifwe do not have an action, but we have a module, make the index.php file the action $currentModuleFile = 'modules/'.$currentModule.'/index.php'; } else { // Use the system default action and module // use $sugar_config['default_module'] and $sugar_config['default_action'] as set in config.php // Redirect to the correct module with the correct action. We need the URI to include these fields. header('Location: index.php?action='.$sugar_config['default_action'].'&module='.$sugar_config['default_module']); } //// END RENDER PAGE REQUEST BASED ON $module - $action - (and/or) $record /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $export_module = $currentModule; $GLOBALS['log']->info('current page is '.$currentModuleFile); $GLOBALS['log']->info('current module is '.$currentModule); $GLOBALS['request_string'] = ''; // for printing foreach ($_GET as $key => $val) { if(is_array($val)) { foreach ($val as $k => $v) { $GLOBALS['request_string'] .= $key[$k].'='.urlencode($v).'&'; } } else { $GLOBALS['request_string'] .= $key.'='.urlencode($val).'&'; } } $GLOBALS['request_string'] .= '&print=true'; // end printing /* if(isset($_SESSION['authenticated_user_id'])) { $result = $current_user->retrieve($_SESSION['authenticated_user_id']); if($result == null) { session_destroy(); //header("Location: index.php?action=Login&module=Users"); header("Location: login.php"); } */ $version_query = 'SELECT count(*) as the_count FROM config WHERE category=\'info\' AND name=\'sugar_version\''; if($current_user->db->dbType == 'oci8') { } else { $version_query .= " AND value = '$sugar_db_version'"; } $result = $current_user->db->query($version_query); $row = $current_user->db->fetchByAssoc($result, -1, true); $row_count = $row['the_count']; if($row_count == 0){ sugar_die("Sugar CRM $sugar_version Files May Only Be Used With A Sugar CRM $sugar_db_version Database."); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// THEME PATH SETUP AND THEME CHANGES if(isset($_SESSION['authenticated_user_theme']) && $_SESSION['authenticated_user_theme'] != '') { $theme = $_SESSION['authenticated_user_theme']; } else { $theme = $sugar_config['default_theme']; } $_SESSION['theme_changed'] = false; if(isset($_REQUEST['usertheme'])) { $_SESSION['theme_changed'] = true; $_SESSION['authenticated_user_theme'] = clean_string($_REQUEST['usertheme']); $theme = clean_string($_REQUEST['usertheme']); } $GLOBALS['log']->debug('Current theme is: '.$theme); ACLController :: filterModuleList($moduleList); //// END THEME PATH SETUP AND THEME CHANGES /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Used for current record focus $focus = null; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// LANGUAGE PACK STRING EXTRACTION // ifthe language is not set yet, then set it to the default language. if(isset($_SESSION['authenticated_user_language']) && $_SESSION['authenticated_user_language'] != '') { $current_language = $_SESSION['authenticated_user_language']; } else { $current_language = $sugar_config['default_language']; } $GLOBALS['log']->debug('current_language is: '.$current_language); //set module and application string arrays based upon selected language $app_strings = return_application_language($current_language); $app_list_strings = return_app_list_strings_language($current_language); $mod_strings = return_module_language($current_language, $currentModule); insert_charset_header(); //TODO: Clint - this key map needs to be moved out of $app_list_strings since it never gets translated. // best to just have an upgrade script that changes the parent_type column from Account to Accounts, etc. $app_list_strings['record_type_module'] = array( 'Contact' => 'Contacts', 'Account' => 'Accounts', 'Opportunity' => 'Opportunities', 'Case' => 'Cases', 'Note' => 'Notes', 'Call' => 'Calls', 'Email' => 'Emails', 'Meeting' => 'Meetings', 'Task' => 'Tasks', 'Lead' => 'Leads', 'Bug' => 'Bugs', ); //// END LANGUAGE PACK STRING EXTRACTION /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// ADMIN ONLY VIEWS SECURITY if(!is_admin($current_user) && !empty($adminOnlyList[$module]) && (!empty($adminOnlyList[$module]['all']) || !empty($adminOnlyList[$module][$action]))) sugar_die("Unauthorized access to $module:$action."); //// ADMIN ONLY VIEWS SECURITY /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// DETAIL VIEW-SPECIFIC RENDER CODE //ifDetailView, set focus to record passed in if($action == "DetailView") { if(!isset($_REQUEST['record'])) die("A record number must be specified to view details."); // ifwe are going to a detail form, load up the record now. // Use the record to track the viewing. // todo - Have a record of modules and thier primary object names. $entity = $beanList[$currentModule]; require_once ($beanFiles[$entity]); $focus = new $entity (); $result = $focus->retrieve($_REQUEST['record']); if($result) { // Only track a viewing ifthe record was retrieved. $focus->track_view($current_user->id, $currentModule); } } //// END DETAIL-VIEW SPECIFIC RENDER CODE /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // set user, theme and language cookies so that login screen defaults to last values if(isset($_SESSION['authenticated_user_id'])) { $GLOBALS['log']->debug("setting cookie ck_login_id_20 to ".$_SESSION['authenticated_user_id']); setcookie('ck_login_id_20', $_SESSION['authenticated_user_id'], time() + 86400 * 90); } if(isset($_SESSION['authenticated_user_theme'])) { $GLOBALS['log']->debug("setting cookie ck_login_theme_20 to ".$_SESSION['authenticated_user_theme']); setcookie('ck_login_theme_20', $_SESSION['authenticated_user_theme'], time() + 86400 * 90); } if(isset($_SESSION['authenticated_user_language'])) { $GLOBALS['log']->debug("setting cookie ck_login_language_20 to ".$_SESSION['authenticated_user_language']); setcookie('ck_login_language_20', $_SESSION['authenticated_user_language'], time() + 86400 * 90); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// START OUTPUT BUFFERING STUFF ob_start(); //// END DETAIL-VIEW SPECIFIC RENDER CODE /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //TODO move this code into $theme/header.php so that we can be within the <DOCTYPE xxx> and <HTML> tags. if(empty($_REQUEST['to_pdf']) && empty($_REQUEST['to_csv']) && empty($_REQUEST['to_sql'])) { echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="include/javascript/sugar_3.js"></script>'; echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="include/javascript/cookie.js"></script>'; echo '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="themes/'.$theme.'/calendar-win2k-cold-1.css">'; echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="jscalendar/calendar.js"></script>'; //changed by dingjianting on 2006-1-3 for bug#0000053 echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="jscalendar/lang/calendar-'.$app_strings['CALENDAR_LANG'].'.js"></script>'; //echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="jscalendar/lang/calendar-en.js"></script>'; echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="jscalendar/calendar-setup_3.js"></script>'; echo $timedate->get_javascript_validation(); $jsalerts = new jsAlerts(); } //skip headers for popups, deleting, saving, importing and other actions if(!$skipHeaders) { $GLOBALS['log']->debug("including headers"); if(!is_file('themes/'.$theme.'/header.php')) { $theme = $sugar_config['default_theme']; } if(!is_file('themes/'.$theme.'/header.php')) { sugar_die("Invalid theme specified"); } // Only print the errors for admin users. if(!empty($_SESSION['HomeOnly'])) { $moduleList = array ('Home'); } include ('themes/'.$theme.'/header.php'); /*changed by dingjianting on 2006-5-5 for recycle function if(is_admin($current_user)) { if(isset($_REQUEST['show_deleted'])) { if($_REQUEST['show_deleted']) { $_SESSION['show_deleted'] = true; } else { unset ($_SESSION['show_deleted']); } } } */ include_once ('modules/Administration/DisplayWarnings.php'); echo "<!-- crmprint -->"; } else { $GLOBALS['log']->debug("skipping headers"); } //loadLicense(); // added a check for security of tabs to see ifa user has access to them // this prevents passing an "unseen" tab to the query string and pulling up its contents if(!isset($modListHeader)) { if(isset($current_user)) { $modListHeader = query_module_access_list($current_user); } } if( array_key_exists($currentModule, $modListHeader) || in_array($currentModule, $modInvisList) || ((array_key_exists("Activities", $modListHeader) || array_key_exists("Calendar", $modListHeader)) && in_array($currentModule, $modInvisListActivities)) || ($currentModule == "iFrames" && isset($_REQUEST['record']))) { // Only include the file ifthere is a file. User login does not have a filename but does have a module. if(!empty($currentModuleFile)) { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// DISPLAY REQUESTED PAGE include($currentModuleFile); //check whether goting to home.php if(!$skipHeaders) { echo '<script language="javascript">var homepage = parent.document.location.href; if(homepage == null || homepage == "" || homepage.indexOf("home.php") < 1) { document.location.href = "home.php";}</script>'; } //// END DISPLAY REQUESTED PAGE /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// } if(isset($focus) && is_subclass_of($focus, 'SugarBean') && $focus->bean_implements('ACL')) { ACLController :: addJavascript($focus->module_dir, '', $focus->isOwner($current_user->id)); } } else { // avoid js error when set_focus is not defined echo '<script>function set_focus(){return;}</script><p class="error">Warning: You do not have permission to access this module.</p>'; } if(!$skipFooters) { echo "<!-- crmprint -->"; echo $jsalerts->getScript(); //changed by dingjianting on 2006-5-2 for frameset layout //include ('themes/'.$theme.'/footer.php'); echo '<br/><br/><br/><hr width="60%" size="1" class="footerHR">'; echo "<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='100%' border='0'>"; /* if(!isset($_SESSION['avail_themes'])) $_SESSION['avail_themes'] = get_themes(); $user_mod_strings = return_module_language($current_language, 'Users'); if($_REQUEST['action'] != 'Login') { echo "<tr><td align='center'>{$user_mod_strings['LBL_THEME']} "; echo "<select OnChange='location.href=\"index.php?module=". (isset($_REQUEST['module']) ? $_REQUEST['module'] : '').'&action='. (isset($_REQUEST['action']) ? $_REQUEST['action'] : '').'&record='. (isset($_REQUEST['record']) ? $_REQUEST['record'] : '').'&offset='. (isset($_REQUEST['offset']) ? $_REQUEST['offset'] : '').'&stamp='. (isset($_REQUEST['stamp']) ? $_REQUEST['stamp'] : '').'&return_module='. (isset($_REQUEST['return_module']) ? $_REQUEST['return_module'] : '').'&return_action='. (isset($_REQUEST['return_action']) ? $_REQUEST['return_action'] : '')."&usertheme=\"+this.value' style='width: 120px; font-size: 10px' name='usertheme'>"; if(isset($_SESSION['authenticated_user_theme']) && !empty($_SESSION['authenticated_user_theme'])) { $authenticated_user_theme = $_SESSION['authenticated_user_theme']; } else { $authenticated_user_theme = 'sugar'; } echo get_select_options_with_id($_SESSION['avail_themes'], $authenticated_user_theme); echo '</select></td></tr>'; } */ // Under the Sugar Public License referenced above, you are required to leave in all copyright statements in both // the code and end-user application. echo "<tr><td align='center' class='copyRight'>"; if($sugar_config['calculate_response_time']) { $endTime = microtime(); $deltaTime = microtime_diff($startTime, $endTime); $response_time_string = $app_strings['LBL_SERVER_RESPONSE_TIME']." $deltaTime ".$app_strings['LBL_SERVER_RESPONSE_TIME_SECONDS'].'<br />'; echo ($response_time_string); if(!empty($sugar_config['show_page_resources'])) { // Print out the resources used in constructing the page. $included_files = get_included_files(); echo ($app_strings['LBL_SERVER_RESPONSE_RESOURCES'].'('.$sql_queries.','.sizeof($included_files).')<BR />'); } } //Under the C3CRM License you can not change code below. echo ('© 2004-2006 <a href="" target="_blank" class="copyRightLink">C3CRM</a> <a href="" target="_blank" class="copyRightLink">SugarCRM Inc.</a> All Rights Reserved.<br />'); // Under the Sugar Public License referenced above, you are required to leave in all copyright statements in both // the code and end-user application as well as the the powered by image. You can not change the url or the image below . echo "<A href='' target='_blank'><img style='margin-top: 2px' border='0' width='106' height='23' src='include/images/poweredby_sugarcrm.png' alt='Powered By SugarCRM'></a>\n"; // End Required Image echo "</td></tr></table>\n"; echo "</body></html>"; } if(!function_exists("ob_get_clean")) { function ob_get_clean() { $ob_contents = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $ob_contents; } } if(isset($_GET['print'])) { $page_str = ob_get_clean(); $page_arr = explode("<!-- crmprint -->", $page_str); include ("phprint.php"); } if(isset($sugar_config['log_memory_usage']) && $sugar_config['log_memory_usage'] && function_exists('memory_get_usage')) { $fp = @ fopen("memory_usage.log", "ab"); @ fwrite($fp, "Usage: ".memory_get_usage()." - module: ". (isset($module) ? $module : "<none>")." - action: ". (isset($action) ? $action : "<none>")."\n"); @ fclose($fp); } session_write_close(); // submitted by Tim Scott in SugarCRM forums sugar_cleanup(); ?>
Note: See TracBrowser for help on using the browser.