The Trac Browser
Table of Contents
Trac browser可以用来浏览subversion仓库中的目录,修改日志和特别版本的文件。
目录入口显示为一个可排序列的列表中。列表的入口可以按 name、size或date进行排序,通过点击列的头。通过再次点击列的头可以反向排序。
缺省的行为是显示最新的修订版,但使用页面顶部的表格可以很容易地输入其它的修订版本号。(在列表右上方的View revision中可以输入历史的仓库版本号。如果你想查看仓库的历史,可以点右上方的Revision Log链接,从而了解整个仓库的版本变化情况。)
注意: browser并不使用Subversion访问的配置,所以如果你在Subversion中限制了对部分仓库的读访问,同样的限制在Trac browser中并不起作用。(对此功能的支持 将 在未来的Trac版本中使用)
The Trac browser can be used to browse directories, change logs and specific revisions of files stored in a subversion repository.
Directory entries are displayed in a list with sortable columns. The list entries can be sorted by name, size or date by clicking on the column headers. The sort order can be reversed by clicking on a given column header again.
The browser can be used to navigate through the directory structure
by clicking on the directory names. Clicking on filenames on the other hand will display the files change log.
It's also possible to browse directories as they were in history, at any given repository revision.
The default behavior is to display the latest revision but another revision number can easily be selected using the form at the top of the page.
Note: The browser does not use the Subversion access configuration so if you restrict read access to part of the repository in Subversion that same restriction will not be in place in the Trac browser. (Support for this functionality is being worked on for future Trac versions)
RSS 支持(RSS Support)
browser模块支持通过RSS来监控一个文件的变动。为了订阅一个文件的修订版日志的RSS种子,在browser中打开它的修订版日志,然后点击在页面底部的桔黄色的 'XML' 图标。想要了解更多关于Trac对RSS的支持,查阅 TracRss。
The browser module supports RSS syndication to monitor changes to a file. To subscribe to an RSS feed of the revision log for a file, open its revision log in the browser and click the orange 'XML' icon at the bottom of the page. For more information on RSS support in Trac, see TracRss.
See also: TracGuide, TracChangeset