Revision 626 (by jianting, 02/12/06 15:55:26) |
<?php $GLOBALS['sugarEntry'] = true; /********************************************************************************* * The contents of this file are subject to the SugarCRM Public License Version * 1.1.3 ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * All copies of the Covered Code must include on each user interface screen: * (i) the "Powered by SugarCRM" logo and * (ii) the SugarCRM copyright notice * in the same form as they appear in the distribution. See full license for * requirements. * * The Original Code is: SugarCRM Open Source * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is SugarCRM, Inc. * Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) 2004-2006 SugarCRM, Inc.; * All Rights Reserved. * Contributor(s): ______________________________________. ********************************************************************************/ require_once('log4php/LoggerManager.php'); $GLOBALS['log'] = LoggerManager::getLogger('SugarCRM'); require_once('sugar_version.php'); $setup_sugar_version = $sugar_version; $install_script = true; session_start(); require_once('include/utils.php'); clean_special_arguments(); $current_language = 'en_us'; // one place for form validation/conversion to boolean function get_boolean_from_request( $field ){ if( !isset($_REQUEST[$field]) ){ return( false ); } if( ($_REQUEST[$field] == 'on') || ($_REQUEST[$field] == 'yes') ){ return(true); } else { return(false); } } function stripslashes_checkstrings($value){ if(is_string($value)){ return stripslashes($value); } return $value; } if(get_magic_quotes_gpc() == 1){ $_REQUEST = array_map("stripslashes_checkstrings", $_REQUEST); $_POST = array_map("stripslashes_checkstrings", $_POST); $_GET = array_map("stripslashes_checkstrings", $_GET); } function print_debug_array( $name, $debug_array ){ ksort( $debug_array ); print( "$name vars:\n" ); print( "(\n" ); foreach( $debug_array as $key => $value ){ if( stristr( $key, "password" ) ){ $value = "WAS SET"; } print( " [$key] => $value\n" ); } print( ")\n" ); } function print_debug_comment(){ if( !empty($_REQUEST['debug']) ){ $_SESSION['debug'] = $_REQUEST['debug']; } if( !empty($_SESSION['debug']) && ($_SESSION['debug'] == 'true') ){ print( "<!-- debug is on (to turn off, hit any page with 'debug=false' as a URL parameter.\n" ); print_debug_array( "Session", $_SESSION ); print_debug_array( "Request", $_REQUEST ); print_debug_array( "Post", $_POST ); print_debug_array( "Get", $_GET ); print_r( "-->\n" ); } } function validate_systemOptions(){ $errors = array(); switch( $_SESSION['setup_db_type'] ){ case "mysql": case "oci8": break; default: $errors[] = 'Invalid database type selected.'; break; } return $errors; } function validate_dbConfig(){ $errors = array(); if( $_SESSION['setup_db_type'] != 'oci8' ){ if( $_SESSION['setup_db_host_name'] == '' ){ $errors[] = 'Host name cannot be blank.'; } } if( $_SESSION['setup_db_database_name'] == '' ){ $errors[] = 'Database name cannot be blank.'; } else if( $_SESSION['setup_db_type'] == 'mysql' ){ if( preg_match( "/[\\\\\/\.]/", $_SESSION['setup_db_database_name'] ) ){ $errors[] = "Database name cannot contain a '\\', '/', or '.'"; } } if( $_SESSION['setup_db_sugarsales_user'] == '' ){ $errors[] = 'User name for SugarCRM cannot be blank.'; } if( $_SESSION['setup_db_create_sugarsales_user'] && ($_SESSION['setup_db_sugarsales_password'] != $_SESSION['setup_db_sugarsales_password_retype']) ){ $errors[] = 'Passwords for SugarCRM do not match.'; } // bail if the basic info isn't valid if( count($errors) > 0 ){ return( $errors ); } // test the account that will talk to the db if we're not creating it if( $_SESSION['setup_db_sugarsales_user'] != '' && !$_SESSION['setup_db_create_sugarsales_user'] ){ if( $_SESSION['setup_db_type'] == 'mysql' ){ $link = @mysql_connect( $_SESSION['setup_db_host_name'], $_SESSION['setup_db_sugarsales_user'], $_SESSION['setup_db_sugarsales_password'] ); if( !$link ){ $errno = mysql_errno(); $error = mysql_error(); $errors[] = "SugarCRM database user name and/or password is invalid (Error $errno: $error)."; } else{ mysql_close( $link ); } } else if( $_SESSION['setup_db_type'] == 'oci8' ){ } } // privileged account tests if( $_SESSION['setup_db_admin_user_name'] == '' ){ $errors[] = 'Database admin user name is required.'; } else { if( $_SESSION['setup_db_type'] == 'mysql' ){ $link = @mysql_connect( $_SESSION['setup_db_host_name'], $_SESSION['setup_db_admin_user_name'], $_SESSION['setup_db_admin_password'] ); if( $link ){ // database admin credentials are valid--can continue check on stuff $db_selected = @mysql_select_db($_SESSION['setup_db_database_name'], $link); if( $db_selected && $_SESSION['setup_db_create_database'] ){ $errors[] = "Database name already exists--cannot create another one with the same name."; } else if( !$db_selected && !$_SESSION['setup_db_create_database'] ){ $errors[] = "Database specified does not exist."; } // test for upgrade and inform user about the upgrade wizard if( $db_selected ){ $config_query = "show tables like 'config'"; $config_result = mysql_query( $config_query, $link ); $config_table_exists = (mysql_num_rows( $config_result ) == 1); mysql_free_result( $config_result ); if( !$_SESSION['setup_db_drop_tables'] && $config_table_exists ){ $query = "select count(*) from config where category='info' and name='sugar_version' and value like '3.0%'"; $result = mysql_query( $query, $link ); $row = mysql_fetch_row( $result ); if($row[0] != 1){ $errors[] = 'Database already exists with config data. To run an install with the chosen database, please re-run the install and choose: "Drop and recreate existing SugarCRM tables?" To upgrade, use the Upgrade Wizard in the Admin Console. Please read the upgrade documentation located <a href="" target="_new">here</a>.'; } mysql_free_result($result); } } // check for existing SugarCRM database user if($_SESSION['setup_db_create_sugarsales_user'] && $_SESSION['setup_db_sugarsales_user'] != ''){ $db_selected = mysql_select_db('mysql', $link); $user = $_SESSION['setup_db_sugarsales_user']; $query = "select count(*) from user where User='$user'"; $result = mysql_query($query, $link); $row = mysql_fetch_row($result); if($row[0] == 1){ $errors[] = 'User name for SugarCRM already exists--cannot create another one with the same name.'; } mysql_free_result($result); } // check mysql minimum version requirement $query = "select version()"; $result = mysql_query($query, $link); $row = mysql_fetch_row( $result ); $db_version = $row[0]; if( !preg_match( "/^4.*/", $db_version ) && !preg_match( "/^5.*/", $db_version ) ){ $errors[] = "MySQL version $db_version is not supported. Only MySQL 4.0.x and higher is supported."; } mysql_close($link); } else { // dblink was bad $errno = mysql_errno(); $error = mysql_error(); $errors[] = "Database admin user name and/or password is invalid (Error $errno: $error)."; } } else if( $_SESSION['setup_db_type'] == 'oci8' ){ } } // end of privileged user tests return( $errors ); } function validate_siteConfig(){ $errors = array(); if($_SESSION['setup_site_url'] == ''){ $errors[] = 'URL cannot be blank.'; } if($_SESSION['setup_site_admin_password'] == ''){ $errors[] = 'SugarCRM admin password cannot be blank.'; } if($_SESSION['setup_site_admin_password'] != $_SESSION['setup_site_admin_password_retype']){ $errors[] = 'Passwords for SugarCRM admin do not match.'; } if(!empty($_SESSION['setup_site_custom_session_path']) && $_SESSION['setup_site_session_path'] == ''){ $errors[] = 'Session path is required if you wish to specify your own.'; } if(!empty($_SESSION['setup_site_custom_session_path']) && $_SESSION['setup_site_session_path'] != ''){ if(is_dir($_SESSION['setup_site_session_path'])){ if(!is_writable($_SESSION['setup_site_session_path'])){ $errors[] = 'Session directory provided is not a writable directory.'; } } else { $errors[] = 'Session directory provided is not a valid directory.'; } } if(!empty($_SESSION['setup_site_custom_log_dir']) && $_SESSION['setup_site_log_dir'] == ''){ $errors[] = 'Log directory is required if you wish to specify your own.'; } if(!empty($_SESSION['setup_site_custom_log_dir']) && $_SESSION['setup_site_log_dir'] != ''){ if(is_dir($_SESSION['setup_site_log_dir'])){ if(!is_writable($_SESSION['setup_site_log_dir'])){ $errors[] = 'Log directory provided is not a writable directory.'; } } else { $errors[] = 'Log directory provided is not a valid directory.'; } } if(!empty($_SESSION['setup_site_specify_guid']) && $_SESSION['setup_site_guid'] == ''){ $errors[] = 'Application ID is required if you wish to specify your own.'; } return $errors; } print_debug_comment(); $next_clicked = false; $next_step = 0; // use a simple array to map out the steps of the installer page flow $workflow = array( 'welcome.php', 'license.php', 'checkSystem.php', 'dbConfig.php', 'siteConfig.php', 'confirmSettings.php', 'performSetup.php', ); // increment/decrement the workflow pointer if(!empty($_REQUEST['goto'])){ switch($_REQUEST['goto']){ case 'Re-check': case '重新检查': $next_step = $_REQUEST['current_step']; break; case 'Back': case '上一步': $next_step = $_REQUEST['current_step'] - 1; break; case 'Next': case '下一步': case 'Start': case '开始': $next_step = $_REQUEST['current_step'] + 1; $next_clicked = true; break; case 'SilentInstall': $next_step = 9999; break; } } $validation_errors = array(); // process the data posted if($next_clicked){ // store the submitted data because the 'Next' button was clicked switch($workflow[$_REQUEST['current_step']]){ case 'welcome.php': // eventually default all vars here, with overrides from config.php if( is_readable('config.php') ) { include_once('config.php'); } $default_db_type = 'mysql'; if( !isset($_SESSION['setup_db_type']) ){ $_SESSION['setup_db_type'] = empty($sugar_config['dbconfig']['db_type']) ? $default_db_type : $sugar_config['dbconfig']['db_type']; } break; case 'license.php': $_SESSION['setup_license_accept'] = get_boolean_from_request( 'setup_license_accept' ); $_SESSION['license_submitted'] = true; break; case 'systemOptions.php': $_SESSION['setup_db_type'] = $_REQUEST['setup_db_type']; $validation_errors = validate_systemOptions(); if(count($validation_errors) > 0){ $next_step--; } break; case 'dbConfig.php': $_SESSION['setup_db_host_name'] = $_REQUEST['setup_db_host_name']; $_SESSION['setup_db_database_name'] = $_REQUEST['setup_db_database_name']; $_SESSION['setup_db_create_database'] = get_boolean_from_request( 'setup_db_create_database' ); $_SESSION['setup_db_sugarsales_user'] = $_REQUEST['setup_db_sugarsales_user']; $_SESSION['setup_db_create_sugarsales_user'] = get_boolean_from_request( 'setup_db_create_sugarsales_user' ); $_SESSION['setup_db_sugarsales_password'] = $_REQUEST['setup_db_sugarsales_password']; $_SESSION['setup_db_sugarsales_password_retype'] = $_REQUEST['setup_db_sugarsales_password_retype']; $_SESSION['setup_db_drop_tables'] = get_boolean_from_request( 'setup_db_drop_tables' ); $_SESSION['setup_db_pop_demo_data'] = get_boolean_from_request( 'setup_db_pop_demo_data' ); $_SESSION['setup_db_username_is_privileged'] = get_boolean_from_request( 'setup_db_username_is_privileged' ); if( ($_SESSION['setup_db_username_is_privileged'] == true) || ($_SESSION['setup_db_type'] == 'oci8' ) ) { $_SESSION['setup_db_admin_user_name'] = $_SESSION['setup_db_sugarsales_user']; $_SESSION['setup_db_admin_password'] = $_SESSION['setup_db_sugarsales_password']; } else{ $_SESSION['setup_db_admin_user_name'] = $_REQUEST['setup_db_admin_user_name']; $_SESSION['setup_db_admin_password'] = $_REQUEST['setup_db_admin_password']; } $_SESSION['dbConfig_submitted'] = true; $validation_errors = validate_dbConfig(); if(count($validation_errors) > 0){ $next_step--; } break; case 'siteConfig.php': $_SESSION['setup_site_url'] = $_REQUEST['setup_site_url']; $_SESSION['setup_site_admin_password'] = $_REQUEST['setup_site_admin_password']; $_SESSION['setup_site_admin_password_retype'] = $_REQUEST['setup_site_admin_password_retype']; $_SESSION['setup_site_sugarbeet'] = get_boolean_from_request( 'setup_site_sugarbeet' ); $_SESSION['setup_site_defaults'] = get_boolean_from_request( 'setup_site_defaults' ); $_SESSION['setup_site_custom_session_path'] = get_boolean_from_request( 'setup_site_custom_session_path' ); $_SESSION['setup_site_session_path'] = $_REQUEST['setup_site_session_path']; $_SESSION['setup_site_custom_log_dir'] = get_boolean_from_request( 'setup_site_custom_log_dir' ); $_SESSION['setup_site_log_dir'] = $_REQUEST['setup_site_log_dir']; $_SESSION['setup_site_specify_guid'] = get_boolean_from_request( 'setup_site_specify_guid' ); $_SESSION['setup_site_guid'] = $_REQUEST['setup_site_guid']; $_SESSION['siteConfig_submitted'] = true; $validation_errors = validate_siteConfig(); if(count($validation_errors) > 0) { $next_step--; } break; } } function pullSilentInstallVarsIntoSession(){ require_once('config.php'); if( file_exists('config_si.php') ){ require_once('config_si.php'); } else if( empty($sugar_config_si) ){ die( "You didn't include config_si.php in the document root, or you didn't define \$sugar_config_si in config.php" ); } $config_subset = array ( 'setup_site_url' => $sugar_config['site_url'], 'setup_db_host_name' => $sugar_config['dbconfig']['db_host_name'], 'setup_db_sugarsales_user' => $sugar_config['dbconfig']['db_user_name'], 'setup_db_sugarsales_password' => $sugar_config['dbconfig']['db_password'], 'setup_db_database_name' => $sugar_config['dbconfig']['db_name'], 'setup_db_type' => $sugar_config['dbconfig']['db_type'], ); // third array of values derived from above values $derived = array ( 'setup_site_admin_password_retype' => $sugar_config_si['setup_site_admin_password'], 'setup_db_sugarsales_password_retype' => $config_subset['setup_db_sugarsales_password'], ); $all_config_vars = array_merge( $config_subset, $sugar_config_si, $derived ); foreach( $all_config_vars as $key => $value ){ $_SESSION[$key] = $value; } } if( $next_step == 9999 ){ $the_file = 'SilentInstall'; } else{ $the_file = $workflow[$next_step]; } switch( $the_file ){ case 'welcome.php': // check to see if installer has been disabled if( is_readable('config.php') && (filesize('config.php') > 0) ) { include_once('config.php'); if( !isset($sugar_config['installer_locked']) || $sugar_config['installer_locked'] == true ){ $the_file = 'installDisabled.php'; } } break; case 'register.php': session_unset(); break; case 'SilentInstall': pullSilentInstallVarsIntoSession(); $validation_errors = validate_dbConfig(); if( count($validation_errors) > 0 ){ $the_file = 'dbConfig.php'; } else { $validation_errors = validate_siteConfig(); if( count($validation_errors) > 0 ){ $the_file = 'siteConfig.php'; } else { $the_file = 'performSetup.php'; } } // check whether we're getting this request from a command line tool // we want to output brief messages if we're outputting to a command line tool $cli_mode = false; if( isset($_REQUEST['cli']) && ($_REQUEST['cli'] == 'true') ){ $_SESSION['cli'] = true; // if we have errors, just shoot them back now if( count($validation_errors) > 0 ){ foreach( $validation_errors as $error ){ print( "The following errors were encountered:\n" ); print( " " . $error . "\n" ); print( "Exit 1\n" ); exit( 1 ); } } } break; } $the_file = clean_string($the_file, 'FILE'); // change to require to get a good file load error message if the file is not available. require('install/' . $the_file); print_debug_comment(); sugar_cleanup(); ?>
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