Revision 349 (by c3crm, 01/01/06 16:37:34) |
<?php /********************************************************************************* * The contents of this file are subject to the SugarCRM Public License Version * 1.1.3 ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * All copies of the Covered Code must include on each user interface screen: * (i) the "Powered by SugarCRM" logo and * (ii) the SugarCRM copyright notice * in the same form as they appear in the distribution. See full license for * requirements. * * The Original Code is: SugarCRM Open Source * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is SugarCRM, Inc. * Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) 2004-2005 SugarCRM, Inc.; * All Rights Reserved. * Contributor(s): ______________________________________. ********************************************************************************/ // $Id: confirmSettings.php,v 1.16 2005/09/26 19:54:57 andrew Exp $ if( !isset( $install_script ) || !$install_script ){ die('Unable to process script directly.'); } ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Script-Type" content="text/javascript"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css"> <title>C3CRM安装向导: 步骤 <?php echo $next_step ?></title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="install/install.css" type="text/css" /> </head> <body onload="javascript:document.getElementById('defaultFocus').focus();"> <form action="install.php" method="post" name="setConfig" id="form"> <input type="hidden" name="current_step" value="<?php echo $next_step ?>"> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" align="center" class="shell"> <tr> <th width="400">步骤 <?php echo $next_step ?>: 确认设置</th> <th width="200" height="30" style="text-align: right;"><a href="" target= "_blank"><IMG src="include/images/sugarcrm_login.png" width="120" height="19" alt="SugarCRM" border="0"></a></th> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" width="600"> <p>请确认以下的设置。如果你需要更改以下的设置,点击"上一步"进行更改。否则,点击"下一步"进行安装。 </p> <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" class="StyleDottedHr"> <tr><th colspan="3" align="left">数据库设置</th></tr> <?php if( $_SESSION['setup_db_type'] != 'oci8' ){ ?> <tr> <td></td> <td><b>主机名</b></td> <td><?php print( $_SESSION['setup_db_host_name'] ); ?></td> </tr> <?php } ?> <tr> <td></td> <td><b>数据库名</b></td> <td> <?php print( $_SESSION['setup_db_database_name'] ); print( " (will " ); if( $_SESSION['setup_db_create_database'] != 1 ){ print( "not " ); } print( "be created)" ); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td></td> <td><b>用户名</b></td> <td> <?php print( $_SESSION['setup_db_sugarsales_user'] ); print( " (will " ); if( $_SESSION['setup_db_create_sugarsales_user'] != 1 ){ print( "not " ); } print( "be created)" ); ?> </tr> <tr> <td></td> <td><b>删除和重新创建已存在的数据库表?</b></td> <td> <?php if( $_SESSION['setup_db_drop_tables'] == 1 ){ print( "Yes " ); } else{ print( "No" ); } ?> </tr> <tr> <td></td> <td><b>生成数据库演示数据吗?</b></td> <td> <?php if( $_SESSION['setup_db_pop_demo_data'] == 1 ){ print( "Yes " ); } else{ print( "No" ); } ?> </tr> <tr> <td></td> <td><b>数据库管理员用户名</b></td> <td> <?php print( $_SESSION['setup_db_admin_user_name'] ); ?> </tr> <tr><th colspan="3" align="left">站点配置</th></tr> <tr> <td></td> <td><b>URL</b></td> <td> <?php print( $_SESSION['setup_site_url'] ); ?> </tr> <tr><th colspan="3" align="left">允许系统更新</th></tr> <tr> <td></td> <td><b>允许系统更新吗</b></td> <td> <?php if( $_SESSION['setup_site_sugarbeet'] == 1 ){ print( "Yes " ); } else{ print( "No" ); } ?> </tr> <tr><th colspan="3" align="left">高级站点安全</th></tr> <tr> <td></td> <td><b>使用自定义Session目录?</b></td> <td> <?php if( $_SESSION['setup_site_custom_session_path'] == 1 ){ print( "Yes ( " . $_SESSION['setup_site_session_path'] . " )" ); } else{ print( "No" ); } ?> </tr> <tr> <td></td> <td><b>使用自定义日志目录?</b></td> <td> <?php if( $_SESSION['setup_site_custom_log_dir'] == 1 ){ print( "Yes ( " . $_SESSION['setup_site_log_dir'] . " )" ); } else{ print( "No" ); } ?> </tr> <tr> <td></td> <td><b>拥有系统提供的系统ID?</b></td> <td> <?php if( $_SESSION['setup_site_specify_guid'] == 1 ){ print( "Yes ( " . $_SESSION['setup_site_guid'] . " )" ); } else{ print( "No" ); } ?> </tr> <!-- --> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right" colspan="2"> <hr> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" class="stdTable"> <tr> <td><input class="button" type="button" onclick="'');" value="帮助" /></td> <td> <input class="button" type="button" name="goto" value="上一步" onclick="document.getElementById('form').submit();" /> <input type="hidden" name="goto" value="上一步" /> </td> <td><input class="button" type="submit" name="goto" value="下一步" id="defaultFocus"/></td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> </form> <br> </body> </html>
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